My name is Joey Schwartz. I was born in Saginaw, MI. I moved to Grand Blanc, Michigan when I was two and attended kindergarten through eighth grade in the Grand Blanc School District. In the summer before my freshman year in high school I moved to Tucson, Arizona where I attended all four years at Mountain View High School. I then attended Spoon River College in Canton, Illinois to play baseball. After graduating with my associates degree from Spoon River I went on to finish my Bachelors Degree in Communications as well as my baseball eligibility at Eureka College in Eureka, Illinois.
Technology plays a vital role in my everyday life. I am in sales by day and my laptop is my connection to the company's product database from out in the field. Between keying in orders and sending e-mails to customers, buyers, and executive staff members i usually log around 4 or 5 hours of screen time during the day. Both my work laptop and home desktop are pc's and I have little experience with the mac. I consider myself some what computer literate and feel like the transition from one operating system to the other should be relatively seamless(knock on wood). I rely on my home computer for all banking and bill paying as do many of us today. All in all I feel a strong co-dependency on technology to get me through each day.
The mission statement of the CSUSM/COE speaks of the advancement of professional practices which is very important to me. I believe that as future educators we have a responsibility to continue to make ourselves better teachers for our students. This can be accomplished through newly developed teaching techniques and also by ever advancing technology. However we choose to develop the teacher within we must be committed to making the effort to reach our potential as educators.
Hey Joey! Wow! You have moved around a lot! Was there a particular reason or did you just want to see what else was out there while you were getting school done. I would love to see more of what is outside of California, sadly I have really stayed within the boundaries of California...but someday! With what you said about the mission statement it seems pretty cool that you are so determined for excellence as a teacher, I feel it is exactly what our profession needs! I wish however, I were as computer savvy as you are but I am learning...good luck with all your endeavors!
Hey Joey! I really like what you had to say about the mission statement and our role as future educators! It's great to see men who value education and want to persue it as a career. I went through the ICP program here and graduated with one male in my Cohort of future educators! any way, good luck in class! I'm sure you'll do great since you work with technology so often.
Hey Joey! I like your comments about CSUSM's commitment to education and their goal. I can tell you from experience that some days it gets really tought to be a professional, but you MUST keep it togeather for your sanity and the sake of your students, becuase they will test you on a constant basis...kind of ironic isnt it...your the one whos expected to give out the tests!
Sounds like you are quite the computer expert! I hope the transition is easy for you. I agree with your comment about the mission statement. As future educators we need continue to improve our techniques and accommodate the needs of our students. You're going to be a great teacher!
You do have a lot of skills with the computer. How well do you like Sales? How long did you live in Arizona, because it seems that you have moved around a lot.I can agree with you on the skills with a MAC and the mission statement.
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